What to Look for In Your Fish Oil Supplement

fish oil supplement
One thing to look for in a fish oil supplement is where the ingredients are caught.

Written by MacuHealth
Reviewed by Jim Stringham, Ph.D.

As healthcare providers and optometrists continue to prescribe omega-3 supplements for eye, heart and brain health, many low-quality formulas are hitting the shelves at your local pharmacy or healthcare store. Despite their benefits, there are reports that many fish oil supplements don’t meet their label claims or have rancid ingredients.


What sets formulas like TG Omega-3 apart from other leading brands? We’ll dive into why patients need a high-quality fish oil supplement like MacuHealth’s to improve their quality of life.

Re-esterified Triglyceride (rTG) Form

When shopping for a high-quality fish oil supplement like TG Omega-3, check if the base formulation is “re-esterified triglyceride” (rTG) or “ethyl ester” (EE). Re-esterified triglyceride is the natural form found in fish such as salmon. It also has high bioavailability recognized by the body. Ethyl ester must be metabolized by the liver and is cheaper, easier to produce and utilizes ethanol as its backbone. It has half of the bioavailability (at best) of the rTG form.

Small Batch Manufacturing

Have you ever wondered where your fish oil supplement comes from? With TG Omega-3, you can find out! Our premium quality formula comes from fish caught in small batches in the cold waters off the coast of Chile. And because MacuHealth prioritizes ethically acquiring raw materials and environmental sustainability, we offer the ability to trace the source of our ingredients. Can your fish oil supplement make the same claim?

Does Your Fish Oil Supplement Have Delicious Taste and Texture?

If you’ve researched fish oil, you’ve undoubtedly read about an unusual aftertaste or “fishy burps” that occur when starting a supplement regimen. But the truth is that you shouldn’t be experiencing these side effects. These unusual tastes indicate you’re using a low-grade supplement, or the product is rancid.


TG Omega-3 won’t have these undesirable tastes or side effects because it’s manufactured with fresh, refined ingredients. Our easy-to-swallow softgels are Supplement Certified™ and Friend of the Sea Certified to ensure quality and freshness.

High Concentrations of DHA

You’ll find that many lower-cost fish oil supplements have an Omega-6 called gamma-Linolenic acid, or GLA, as an ingredient. GLA can produce good results for the body as it has some anti-inflammatory properties. But it can also have potentially unhealthy consequences. The body can convert GLA into arachidonic acid, or ARA, which tends to be inflammatory. And because this ingredient is in poultry, eggs and red meat, Americans potentially already have too much ARA in their diet. That can cause more inflammation, not less, which can lead to all sorts of health issues.


If you want a fish oil supplement with benefits for the brain and eyes, DHA is critical for enhancing neural performance. It increases the speed of nerve signals, improving visual and cognitive function, leading to improved reaction time and contrast sensitivity. And when EPA, which is shown to lower inflammation, and DHA work together, it provides optimal benefits to the body.


Taking a pharmaceutical-grade fish oil supplement delivers a safe and proven way to boost your eye, brain, and heart function. Because of evidence showing the benefits of taking EPA and DHA, MacuHealth developed TG Omega-3 Fish Oil to help patients optimize their health.


TG Omega-3 is a natural re-esterified triglyceride formulation that is purified up to five times to eliminate toxins, impurities and fishy taste. TG Omega-3 offers 2,200 mg of EPA and DHA combined per serving. Next time you shop for fish oil, check the label to see if it stands up to the rigorous qualifications that TG Omega-3 does.